Agent HQ

The Scattered Supernatural


The Scattered Supernatural is an outdoor activity that combines puzzles and urban exploration. You will have to walk up and down St-Joseph East street in order to solve its mystery.


In order to do so, you will have to follow a series of trails, each color-coded for your convenience. These trails will send you all over St-Joseph East street (from Langelier blvd to St-Dominique street). Each trail must be completed before moving on to the next, until you finally conlude the operation.


Vous serez appelés à suivre une série de pistes en ligne, chacune identifiée par un code de couleur précis. Ces pistes vous amèneront aux quatre coins de la rue St-Joseph Est (du boul. Langelier à la rue St-Dominique) à la recherche de créatures ou d’icônes spécialement identifiées qui vous permettront de résoudre différentes énigmes. Vous devez entrer la bonne réponse de chaque piste avant de pouvoir procéder à la prochaine, et ainsi de suite jusqu’à la résolution finale de cette opération.


Are you competitive? The activity compiles your execution speed, the number of errors and your use of clues to give you a final score. There might be a few surprises for those who scored high!


Here are some tips and pointers to help you in your quest:

  • Keep a search engine on hand, as some of the puzzle will require you to search about the St-Roch neighborhood’s history.
  • Feel free to keep pictures of the many game elements you find in the physical world.
  • Don’t hesite to save any media file on your device in order to save time.
  • Every trail is color code in order to keep you focused on the correct puzzles. Should you find a different colored game element, keep its location in mind ! It will be useful later on!
  • Keeping many tabs open will allow you switch to between them easily. Some puzzles will require you to go back and forth from one page to the other.

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